Selling your clothes online can be an excellent way to get rid of the ones you no longer need. You can empty your closet and keep only the ones you need. At the same time, you’re making money out of the transaction. To speed up the process, these tips could be useful.
Let everyone know that you’re doing an online sale of pre-owned items. You can even post photos of the clothes that you intend to sell. Keep the interest going so that you will quickly sell all the items. Use your social media account and ask your friends to help you share. If they’re unable to buy, they can at least help spread the word.
Take good photos
The key is in taking great photos of the clothes you intend to sell. You want people to feel enticed by looking at the clothes. You can also put them on a model so potential buyers can visualise the appearance if they decide to wear them. You can also take photos from different angles. The buyers don’t get the chance to see the items in person, so the images taken will help.
Provide a detailed description
Again, buyers won’t have the chance to see the items in person. If the images aren’t good enough, the detailed description can help seal the deal. Include the sizes, available colours, and other essential details. Imagine that you’re the buyer and you only rely on this information to make a decision.
Create albums
Group the clothes based on purpose. Place all formal dresses under one album and all casual tops in another. By doing so, you make it easier for buyers to know what’s available. If they don’t buy now, they can go back to the albums later and easily select what they want.
Provide different payment methods
You should also make it easier for anyone to pay for the items bought. Provide different ways to pay for the clothes. You can even offer cash on delivery. Prepare your accounts for possible online or bank transfers. Some transactions might not happen because of payment issues, and it’s a waste of an opportunity.
Offer discounts
Remember than the items you sell are clothes that you no longer wear. You shouldn’t be too rigid with the price. If you can offer a discount to friends and relatives, you should do it. If you eventually decide to make a real business out of selling clothes, your kindness at this time will be valuable.
Thank everyone
Even if this is only a one-off sale, you should still be grateful to everyone who participates. Let them know that you appreciate their decision to buy from you. Again, your primary goal is to dispose of the clothes and empty your closet. The amount gained can now go to the installation of a sliding wardrobe which you need to organise the remaining clothes. The cash you earn will be helpful in paying for the new closet. You can repeat this process in the future if you want to dispose of other clothes.